Same or more traffic but earnings down by 300%!


New Member
So this is strange. With a lot more people at home , and watching more videos , I thought my earnings would increase. But it has been anything but...

My numbers have gone up in the last 4 weeks, since the Covid-19 lockdown started across North America and the rest of the world. But at the same time, my earnings kept going down every week since, up to 300% down now. Without giving specific numbers, but it is like going from $10 a day to $3 or so!

Then I thought about it. While viewership is up by double or triple, with literally billions of people home, with the economy down, companies are probably not spending as much money as they would in normal times.

Anyone else experiencing a decline in revenues starting from early March ?
Seems like you arrived at the correct conclusion. With less people freely spending during this time, I'm sure advertising is less effective.

Even shipping times have gone up, meaning consumers are waiting longer to get their products. A lot of factors at work here, but they all culminate on earning less event though viewership is up.
WOW - I was just about to post the same thread - My views are good by earnings down: 25%
I think advertisers are not spends ad dollars right now since people are stuck at home.

It's a new quarter with new advertising budgets. Companies aren't going to be buying ad space if consumers aren't (or can't) consume.
Also please remember that views don't equal income; you aren't paid for the views your videos get.

Viewers must click on or otherwise interact with the ads placed against your content. With a worldwide lockdown taking place, many sales outlets have been ordered closed by governments. Brick and mortar outlets won't be placing ads unless they also do online sales.

Ads cost money; and it's a portion of the ad spend we get as monetized channel owners. If businesses can't do business as @Crown has already said, they will have no reason to buy ads. Less ads, equal less ad revenue to go around. Viewers out of work due to the crisis will have no money to spend on non-essentials, so won't click on ads due to lack of interest in buying anything.

This is why I don't see the point of all the people in various fora pleading for monetization as new YPP members; often trying to claim this is their sole income as a basis for their pleas.

If this is their sole income during this crisis, even if they do somehow get approved (most channels I've seen doing this don't have qualifying videos under current content guidelines), they had better get used to starving.
My views have gone up in the last week or so, but it's not organic, I've been releasing new content recently. I think that's the best thing to do in these times, at least for my viewers, they want fresh content.
Yes a lot of retailers for example who would have previously advertised will have had to close up due to covid - and many may not re-emerge from the economic impact. It is, I think, going to be a lean period for YT channel income for quite some time yet.

I have the advantage of no monetisation so I am able to be 'poor' WITHOUT YouTube's assistance :D