Same music twice in one video?

Gods of Odds

Loving YTtalk
As I've said quite a lot by now, I'm starting a new lore series very soon and I'm just figuring out what to do with the music, I was wondering if it would be considered ok if I played the same music track twice in one video straight after finishing the first one? The music I am using does go with the theme of what I am talking about it as I am staying on one subject in each episode so the music is relevant to what I'm talking about. Would you consider it bad, boring or repetitive if the same music was played in one video? Even if it does fit with what I'm talking about and of course it is in the background, the main thing you should be listening to is my voice.
Hi there,
I do the sims videos and in the beginning of every video I do voice overs and then towards the end I put in music. It's a bit hard to find music that fits exactly to the remaining time of every video and yet is likeable so I find a track I like and I put it on repeat until the video is over. It works really good, I am considering downloading a sound editor and maybe making the tracks that I use longer so that they fit every video but so far using the same track twice or more has worked as well :)
I also do this when I use background music for my videos where I talk and stuff!

Hope this helped a little bit :)

Have a great day !
I have done the same thing in a few of my videos - I just use music as background and it is very quiet so if it fits with the video then go for it :)