Rules around thumbnails?


Well-Known Member
I recently read something about the rules around thumbnails on YouTube where they said something along the lines of that the thumbnail should be representative of the video.
If I make a single graphic and simply edit the video number into the video
For example, having a picture of the Majoras mask and then #1 on top of that graphic as a thumbnail for the first episode in the series of Majoras mask videos, and then when I get onto the 2nd episode in the series just change it from #1 to #2, is this allowed?

I would claim it's representative of what's actually in the content, but maybe YouTube doesn't allow this?
That is fine. As long as it is not false advertising. That is what is not allowed. For example, having a thumbnail of one thing and a video of another.
I'm pretty sure that's fine. I think that rule is mostly to avoid people using photos of scantily clad women to attract viewers and things of that nature.
OK, thanks for the advice. Pretty confident I'm fine considering TobyGames constantly does this (Look at his bioshock infinite series, for example.)