Reviewers, how do you review? (Advices on reviewing system)


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Since I'm planning to launch a show that revolves around game reviews, which is the best reviewing system? I would go for an "x out out of 5" system, adding some special awards such as "manly game" or a personal seal of approval, stuff like that. What do you think?
Sounds like it could be quite fun and creative, I mean, if there's different types of awards the names for them the possibilities are endless :D
I don't really like giving games scores is a bad idea. A score based on what?
People will complain about scores all the time too.
I site I write video game reviews for still uses a scoring system - just like many other video game websites. We actually work out our score through the addition and division of 4 subscores (gameplay, audio/visual, replay value and innovation). Typically we use a 'Out of Five' system for each subscore, add the totals up and divide by the number of categories (4) to get the average score. That then becomes the final score.

We publish each subscore with a brief summery each and then a final closing statement to bring all the topic points and critique together in one final part.

You just need to identify when a game is doing something on purpose by design (like not giving some indie game a 1/5 for visual/audio when it's designed as an 8-bit throwback.