Review this thumbnail? *WIP*


Hey everyone, could I get some tips and feedback on this thumbnail? Still a few things I need to clean up on my body, but I think it's coming out nicely!

Uploaded a lower resolution of the image :(

Seems pretty good. I'm hardly an expert on thumbnails, but I think its alright. I'd have to see it in action though, this is quite a big image so everything's nice and visible, I don't know if the title and everything would be easily readable on a small thumbnail like in suggested videos etc.

Also it might be getting a bit too crowded with you in that picture (again, can't really tell without seeing it in action) I think either photoshopping it so the color scheme matches a bit more with that of the GoW image or pushing yourself a bit more to the side and also maybe up a bit so that you're kinda in the same plane as the characters would do your thumbnail some good.
The thumbnails is getting a bit too crowded. The titles look big enough to be legible, however I would think that you should shift and enlarge yourself a bit, otherwise it looks weird compared to the game characters and out of place. When you do that, then you will have much less space and will have to shift things around, which will make the image even more crowded.

You could remove "part" just leave the #number, will have the same effect but will look much better. But you will need to work a bit more with the placement of everything and blending it all a bit more together. hope that helps.