I've Got It
It's time for the final showdown (I hope)
I'm not going to give you a rundown of what happened before or what the game is about. If you're watching this part, it means that you know what the game is about and you know what happened before, if not, then why are you even watching this?
Don't take it as a hostile comment, I'm genuinely confused. For those of you who really don't know what this game is about and are intrigued, it's Resident Evil 7. Some messed up stuff happens and you have to escape the madness.
Thanks for the potential view and support, I appreciate it quite a bit
I'm not going to give you a rundown of what happened before or what the game is about. If you're watching this part, it means that you know what the game is about and you know what happened before, if not, then why are you even watching this?
Don't take it as a hostile comment, I'm genuinely confused. For those of you who really don't know what this game is about and are intrigued, it's Resident Evil 7. Some messed up stuff happens and you have to escape the madness.
Thanks for the potential view and support, I appreciate it quite a bit