Reporting a user for copyright


Well-Known Member
It seems leightonkillick1975, which i previously mentioned about "recording copyrighted videos" thingie will be able to get a strike because 3 of his videos has a watermark of Pick TV, which is owned by SKY UK.
The watermark is seen from top left of the TV being recorded.

Video sample:

Link for the Owner of PICK tv:

Where can i find the other owners of copyrighted contents which leightonkillick1975 recorded via Youtube, Social media etc.?
Hmmm....not sure if there is any "easy" way to locate copyright owners from the videos this leightonkillick1975 uses. Which is sad cause it appears his video content is of stealing others and is complete garbage no less with how he does it. Nevertheless to me the best method of approaching this is to just flag every video you feel is necessary and then ignore him completely. I personally do not see the need in stressing out with what Youtubers I don't like do otherwise my anxiety would be through the roof.
But maybe if you message the copyright owners of the content he uses you may get a response if you are lucky. Otherwise I wouldn't worry too much about it unless it's your own content per say. =]
Hmmm....not sure if there is any "easy" way to locate copyright owners from the videos this leightonkillick1975 uses. Which is sad cause it appears his video content is of stealing others and is complete garbage no less with how he does it. Nevertheless to me the best method of approaching this is to just flag every video you feel is necessary and then ignore him completely. I personally do not see the need in stressing out with what Youtubers I don't like do otherwise my anxiety would be through the roof.
But maybe if you message the copyright owners of the content he uses you may get a response if you are lucky. Otherwise I wouldn't worry too much about it unless it's your own content per say. =]
What option would one choose when flagging such a video?
Looks like no "Copyright Infringement", just "Infringes my rights".
No possible way to report leightonkillick1975's recorded TV clip videos. GTA videos are exception here.
Yeah, which is why I was wondering what Farley Productions would suggest to do if one were to follow his advice.
Yeah, which is why I was wondering what Farley Productions would suggest to do if one were to follow his advice.

Hmm....I've spent the last hour looking into this and it seems like you can only report videos for copyright if it infringes yours and nobody else's. =\ Which makes no sense to me whatsoever. So I guess there is no way to flag the video for said infringement.

And the chances of you getting in contact with the person who actually owns the rights to the video is also very slim. =\
Sorry I couldn't be of any help. I was hoping Youtube would have more options in the year 2017.