record two videos of music home recording and join them?


Hi all, this is my first post apart from the introduction :)

I plan to record myself playing music on a chord instrument for backing, and after that replay the video to overdub a solo instrument playing the melody.
How can I do that?

I'm on Linux Mint and use guvcview to record my webcam.
To start off I don't care too much for overly sophisticated editing.
I'd be happy already if I can show the 2 videos side by side or alternating between them.

First step, I guess, is putting on headphones - play the video with the backing track and record the 2nd video soloing.
But where do I go from there?
Hey there! :)

All you need is an editing software which allows you to edit multiple tracks. Personally, I use Sony Vegas but there are definitely more simpler programs out there, let's wait for other suggestions. ;)
Hey there! :)

All you need is an editing software which allows you to edit multiple tracks. Personally, I use Sony Vegas but there are definitely more simpler programs out there, let's wait for other suggestions. ;)
Thanks for the reply GP; I copied the terminology you used, searched for "edit multiple tracks open source" and found a choice of 10 to investigate
EDIT: I went for kdenlive and am trying to sort out how it works - looks promising!
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