Reading a Script


I've Got It
If you write scripts for your videos how do you read them? I have a couple scripts for upcoming videos but I am at a lose on how to go about reading them. I was thinking I could memorize them but I feel like I wouldn't be able to do that on a regular basis and I'm worried I would miss important portions. I was also thinking of getting/building a teleprompter and using that for my scripted videos but I'm still a little bit worried about how that would look. What do you do when you have a scripted video? I really don't want to just sit and (obviously) read directly off of a script on camera.
I also struggle with recording scripted VO. I do multiple takes of recording the spoken word into a DAW software (Cockos Reaper) until it's right to my taste, replacing short snippets (even single words) as I go. Fortunately Reaper has powerful tools for processing audio takes and lining stuff up with the running video.
I prepare and read the scripted VO in a text editor on the second screen. Need a better solution, e.g. a plug-in for Reaper that allows to "pin" entered text. Reaper is very flexible.
Most of the time I just "wing it".
BUT when I use a script or have bullet points, I print them out in large fonts and tape to the
tripod I will be looking at. Then do cuts and edits if I need to change a page, screw up, etc.
Most of the time I just "wing it".
BUT when I use a script or have bullet points, I print them out in large fonts and tape to the
tripod I will be looking at. Then do cuts and edits if I need to change a page, screw up, etc.
The tripod thing is a really great idea! I don't know why I have never thought of this before thank you
Play around with the lines. Improv a bit. You don't have to memorize each line. Think about what you are talking about, the scene, the idea behind it. Then it will come much easier. I used to do a lot of scripted videos and they turned out better than usual when I did those things.
Your problem is appreciated as I frequently do scripts talking to the camera. One way of doing it is to memorise just a short paragraph – stop camera - restart speaking the next part and so on.
However, that does result in a ‘jump cut’ every time you stop/start the camera. It’s noticed that many folk do this in videos, but it does upset video ‘purists' who really hate ‘jump cuts’. The way avoid this is to move the camera to a slightly different angle each time you speak. You have to remember to start the next paragraph looking towards where the camera was initially and then turn your head/body to look at the camera’s new position. Doing this way means you can do as many retakes as needed and join them in the editing. I hope this explains but do ask if my meaning is not clear.

Write your planned script and practice reading it out loud. Doing this will show up words or phrases that do not flow easily when spoken. Replace any words and sequence of words that don’t easy flow when spoken out loud. This is very important.

Advice you have already been given. Try to put variety into your voice as you speak the lines. Don’t allow your voice to be ‘monochrome’ or ‘flat' as mentioned. Difficult to explain in words but it hoped you understand what is meant. When you do speak, try to think of it as talking to a friend that you can’t see.

I do have a teleprompter that hasn't been used for many a year. If you live in the UK you are more than welcome to view if you so wish. It's assumed that your script is showing your face as you talk to the camera. Some of the above is also good advice for when your face is not seen and the script is just a 'voice-over'.

I hope the above will be useful. Pete.