Rate My Channel Art! Brought to you by that weirdo next door


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I wanted to make an official thread (which will hopefully get stickied. I love me some stickies) for critiquing everybody's channel art and theme. As in, please like, rate out of 5 and say what needs to be improved to make the channel look better. You may also critique intros and outros of videos if you so wish...
You can thank me later....with a wad of cash and some Reese's pieces :)

P.S: Please critique the thread creator's channel too. She worked hard on this thread. Hah not really only took me a minute to write :D
What do you guys think of my logo, it's the one that I have as my profile picture here on YTTalk. Honest ratings please :D.
@Stike96, I get that it is a headset, I guess maybe some depth and shading would be cool. Or at least more. 9 S 6 goes with your username I know, but I don't know, the order of the 9 S 6 is strange. Why not tell me why you chose to have the S inbetween the 96 and it might make sense.

If it were me, I would have the headset with the mic extended, and put the headset on a head. I would probably do a cartoon head that looked like my own.