Be Kind: Please Rewind
Ive been selected to enter a huge film festival! Which is a huge honor... Anyways!
I plan on doing a comedy movie.
Long story short, its going on youtube after it premiers in December
%%%%%ON TOPIC%%%%%%
There is a Mexican inspired character - straight out of a western movie. This character nearly wipes out all four of our main heroes by being so strong. He eventually traps everyone but one inside a bag of tortilla chips.
But the question is, is his dialogue racist? Let ignore the fact that this character is wearing a sombrero and a rainbow colored cape.
When the fight scene ( which is done in a climatic anime style ) starts, the character, to accent his attacks and dodges, says things like: Senior, Burrito, Taco, Salsa Ect...
Its intended to be funny, as you could do a whole lot while saying the word "SALSA!" as you Hollywood style dismember the main characters arm, with a cliche, anime slow motion, slash of a sword.
The character however is not just something thrown into the film for no reason. The character is referred to as having a hard life, because people ignore Mexicans or generalize them so harshly they exclude them from things like movies where instead a black person is the first to die.
This conversation resonates with one of the main characters who, for the entire film has been unable to do anything but complain about how hard their life is with very short lines such as " My life is an terrible life.." almost making the character jealous as he attacks the questionable character.
In the end the character in question lowers his guard on purpose to let the depressed character win, after seeing how much it meant to him to be the most depressed character.
*But comes back later*
I think its hilarious, I cant really explain it without posting a 22 page script here. But I see it as harmless, Is that just me? Is this discus-tingly racist? Or am I jumping a gun? I tried googling images of "Racist mexican jokes" and I found that almost 80% of them were funny, only thinking the wrong ones were ones that focused on family, or poverty.
I then googled the same but with images of "Racist Black people jokes" only found that about 40% of them were funny. I found a hate for the ones that profiled as criminals, poverty, and family, as well as ones that talk about how ugly a black person is.
Now I have to think about myself... Am I racist? I can say I've never mocked or excluded someone on their skin tone or background. But the googling pictures and my response in my head...
Furthermore images of "Racist white people jokes" less than 1% of them were actually mocking white people all of them were targeting black people OR were actually making fun of black people.
What do you think?
What race are you? ( You do not need to answer this but I find it helpful if you do )
I am mixed, black and white But people think I am Mexican or Hawaiian.
I plan on doing a comedy movie.
Long story short, its going on youtube after it premiers in December
%%%%%ON TOPIC%%%%%%
There is a Mexican inspired character - straight out of a western movie. This character nearly wipes out all four of our main heroes by being so strong. He eventually traps everyone but one inside a bag of tortilla chips.
But the question is, is his dialogue racist? Let ignore the fact that this character is wearing a sombrero and a rainbow colored cape.
When the fight scene ( which is done in a climatic anime style ) starts, the character, to accent his attacks and dodges, says things like: Senior, Burrito, Taco, Salsa Ect...
Its intended to be funny, as you could do a whole lot while saying the word "SALSA!" as you Hollywood style dismember the main characters arm, with a cliche, anime slow motion, slash of a sword.
The character however is not just something thrown into the film for no reason. The character is referred to as having a hard life, because people ignore Mexicans or generalize them so harshly they exclude them from things like movies where instead a black person is the first to die.
This conversation resonates with one of the main characters who, for the entire film has been unable to do anything but complain about how hard their life is with very short lines such as " My life is an terrible life.." almost making the character jealous as he attacks the questionable character.
In the end the character in question lowers his guard on purpose to let the depressed character win, after seeing how much it meant to him to be the most depressed character.
*But comes back later*
I think its hilarious, I cant really explain it without posting a 22 page script here. But I see it as harmless, Is that just me? Is this discus-tingly racist? Or am I jumping a gun? I tried googling images of "Racist mexican jokes" and I found that almost 80% of them were funny, only thinking the wrong ones were ones that focused on family, or poverty.
I then googled the same but with images of "Racist Black people jokes" only found that about 40% of them were funny. I found a hate for the ones that profiled as criminals, poverty, and family, as well as ones that talk about how ugly a black person is.
Now I have to think about myself... Am I racist? I can say I've never mocked or excluded someone on their skin tone or background. But the googling pictures and my response in my head...
Furthermore images of "Racist white people jokes" less than 1% of them were actually mocking white people all of them were targeting black people OR were actually making fun of black people.
What do you think?
What race are you? ( You do not need to answer this but I find it helpful if you do )
I am mixed, black and white But people think I am Mexican or Hawaiian.