Question regarding Lets Plays


YTtalk Mad
Do you record audio and video at the same time? Or is it better to record the game first, then record the audio later, and then place them over eachother?
Do you record audio and video at the same time? Or is it better to record the game first, then record the audio later, and then place them over eachother?

Depends on what works better for you. Many people are good in live commentary and can talk the entire gameplay without stopping for 1 sec, but other people have to write down some points and redo it a few times before they have the quality they want to show to the people. Depends on what works for you.
I would say do video first and then after do the audio so you if you say something wrong you can always redo only the audio part
I prefer to record at the same time, you get a better reaction as to what you're doing instead of just commentating what you've already done.