QUESTION: How to find specific YouTube videos


Weirdo With a Beardo
This is something I've been struggling with for awhile then I was finally like "DUH, ask someone! stupid." So here I am.
coming up with a video idea every week is hard work, especially between school, work, and family. So I want to start a weekly series that would be fun to do. It would involve commenting on other YouTube videos and adding my humor and disgusting charm to the series. My only issue is: how do I find these videos?? I could always ask my viewers to submit videos but that would have to be after I get a fanbase. I could always do viral videos, but that's RWJ's thing.
if you guys have ever seen CuteWinFail it's kinda like that, minus the cute, minus the win, and minus the epicosity.

Tl;dr -- How do I go about finding newly uploaded videos that belong to the uploaded and not some uploaded clip? Lol if it's too confusing or it doesn't make sense please let me know. I'm typing this from my phone, and my thumbs hurt, and I'm frustrated, mainly because auto-correct's a b*t**
This is something I've been struggling with for awhile then I was finally like "DUH, ask someone! stupid." So here I am.
coming up with a video idea every week is hard work, especially between school, work, and family. So I want to start a weekly series that would be fun to do. It would involve commenting on other YouTube videos and adding my humor and disgusting charm to the series. My only issue is: how do I find these videos?? I could always ask my viewers to submit videos but that would have to be after I get a fanbase. I could always do viral videos, but that's RWJ's thing.
if you guys have ever seen CuteWinFail it's kinda like that, minus the cute, minus the win, and minus the epicosity.

Tl;dr -- How do I go about finding newly uploaded videos that belong to the uploaded and not some uploaded clip? Lol if it's too confusing or it doesn't make sense please let me know. I'm typing this from my phone, and my thumbs hurt, and I'm frustrated, mainly because auto-correct's a b*t**
Bad idea, using other peoples videos with permission isn`t monetizable 2) without permission, will get you in alot of trouble

RWJ has had his account closed 4 times, the only reasons he got it back was 1) Maker Studios argued the fact YouTube made atleast 2 million a year off him 2) YouTube make more off him than Maker stated, and they`re greedy
Bad idea, using other peoples videos with permission isn`t monetizable 2) without permission, will get you in alot of trouble

RWJ has had his account closed 4 times, the only reasons he got it back was 1) Maker Studios argued the fact YouTube made atleast 2 million a year off him 2) YouTube make more off him than Maker stated, and they`re greedy
as mentioned above there is alllootttt of strings you need to pull to make this series happen
Lol yeah I know, that's why I'm interested only in the newest uploads and I'll narrow my search to people who don't really have a fanbase that way I'll get a reply from them (if I catch them as soon as they upload they're vid) and they'll be more keen to let me use their video in mine since they'll get an annotation link back to their video and gain views..if it makes any sense :confused:
Here was my plan: Spend 1 hour a day 6 days a week only looking for potential videos to use that are newly uploaded and contact those uploaders. By day 6 I should have at least 3 people respond back positively. Then on the 7th day, probably Sunday, shoot and edit the video, upload it the next day, and repeat the process.
Bad idea, using other peoples videos with permission isn`t monetizable 2) without permission, will get you in alot of trouble
Wrong again Bob. Under the Fair Use Guidelines, "Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research."
I understand I already told you that in a different thread but I want to make sure everyone knows that according to law you are fine but I do suggest asking for their permission to be polite. To answer the question, check Reddit/4Chan/9Gag/Fark.
A LOT of channels get kicked off multiple times for using copyright material. They have power to come back unfortunately but don't risk using copyright material. :(
They only get taken down if they don't go about it the smart way. I intend to ask people for permission, and even then keep the clips that I show under 10 seconds so that it's still considerably under fair use (NBC or CBS, I forget which one, does this)