Question about Uploading Short Movies.


New Member
I'm making a Short Live Action movie that will last about 20 minutes.
I'm already well into the preparation process, and I want to start shooting between January and February. But unfortunately I saw that I can only Upload up to 15 minutes and I also don't have access to the Codec yet: yp09 (248) / opus.(251) My Output will be 1920x1080 H:264 / H:265 (AVC/HVEC) MP4.
Or ProRes 444 XQ and or DNxHD 444 MOV.

Can someone give me tips on how I can still Upload this next year?

I want to thank you very much for your help! :)

(I hope I'm asking my question(s) in the right place?)
I just started a youtube channel and had no clue about this until today. Here's what I learned:
You have to verify your youtube account to unlock the feature that let's you post videos up to 10 or 12 hours in length.
2 ways that I know of foe how to verify your youtube channel.
1) sign into your google account. Search "".
(not my channel, not affiliated)
2) Or can can do it from your youtube channel page. Click your channel profile, then click settings. On the left side, click "Account". In the center of the screen click "channel status and features". Under "feature eligibility" you should find "features that require phone number verification". Click the drop down to the right of "eligible". Scroll to the bottom of this sub-window and you'll see a blue box "Verify Phone Number". Click the blue box.
3) Select the country that you are in. Enter your phone number and choose text message or call back. You will receive a confirmation code. Enter the confirmation code.
I have watched several videos on how to start a youtube channel. None of those videos mentioned channel verification. Seems like a key piece of information for us beginners to have.