Question About Unique Cookies


Let's Player
Can you guys just tell me how the views would work in the following scenarios as they go toward the "unique cookies" count on analytics on YouTube?

1. If the same person watches the same video twice in the same day. Is it 2 or just 1?
2. If the same person watched two different videos of mine in the same day, but just once each.
3. If the same person watches the same video twice, but each view was a different day. Would it be 1 unique view for one day and 1 for the next?

Thanks! I'm just looking at my most recent days stats, and it says 50 views, but 34 unique cookies, and I'm wondering if that's 34 different viewers, or if it could be the same one that watched different videos.
Can you guys just tell me how the views would work in the following scenarios as they go toward the "unique cookies" count on analytics on YouTube?

1. If the same person watches the same video twice in the same day. Is it 2 or just 1?
2. If the same person watched two different videos of mine in the same day, but just once each.
3. If the same person watches the same video twice, but each view was a different day. Would it be 1 unique view for one day and 1 for the next?

Thanks! I'm just looking at my most recent days stats, and it says 50 views, but 34 unique cookies, and I'm wondering if that's 34 different viewers, or if it could be the same one that watched different videos.
1) A viewer can only view the video once (they don`t account after the first 1) and that`s by IP.
2) That`s 2
3) Nope 1, the only way a person can count as 2 is if the have a dynamic IP and reset their router ;)
Can you guys just tell me how the views would work in the following scenarios as they go toward the "unique cookies" count on analytics on YouTube?

1. If the same person watches the same video twice in the same day. Is it 2 or just 1?
2. If the same person watched two different videos of mine in the same day, but just once each.
3. If the same person watches the same video twice, but each view was a different day. Would it be 1 unique view for one day and 1 for the next?

Thanks! I'm just looking at my most recent days stats, and it says 50 views, but 34 unique cookies, and I'm wondering if that's 34 different viewers, or if it could be the same one that watched different videos.

1. One
2. Two views , one per video
3. Only one views

YouTube views don't work per cookie btw, that would be too easy to cheat, YouTube views are the best protected statistic in the history of video sharing websites, it's not only the IP either, It's a combination of :

- User Account
- IP
- User Agent
- And other internal stuff that would be too complicated to get into on this forum.