Question about monetizing videos... 7k views - no earnings


Active Member

I'm pretty new to this whole monetizing of videos, so I'm not really sure how it works.

I have a couple of videos up (all monetized) , but it looks like only some of them are earning at all.

I have a video with about 1600 views which shows earned about 11 cents.
Then I have another video which has aboout 7000 views and has not earned anything all.

What am I missing here?

Thanks for your help!
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I'm not trying to promote my video or anything, but I ran across a question like this on quora and made a video tutorial/explanation (shown on my signature).

Your earning is NOT based on views, it's based on the ads showing on your videos. It can be be cause your target audiences aren't the potential customers of brands. Thats why not lots of companies bidding for the ads placing on your videos.
As mentioned, it has nothing to do with views, but ads.

Not only do they have to be shown (which alone is a small percentage of when a video is viewed), but they have to be watched long enough to be counted (not skipped early) or clicked on to count.