Question about how to go about my gaming webseries.


I Love YTtalk
So I'm planning on doing a webseries called Game Kaizer which would be me playing games and after I beat the game I would do a review like Jontron for example of it. So it would be a LP channel with a review for each game afterwards. Now I made a new channel for this since I plan to do uploads every day and keeping my other channel for vlogs and skits. My question is how should I do this? 1 episode per day or twice a day?
I'd keep it to one a day. For starters, you don't want to spam your fans. Also, if you do one a day, then this pretty much gives you 24 hours to perfect each video, rather than an average of 12 hours (if you did two)

Technically, doing 1 video a day should be 100% better for you.
I tend to upload my videos as and when i feel like it/have them. I don't feel that trying to stick to a routine is in my nature so i don't force it XD but even one video a day is pretty tough to do, unless you have all the free time in the world XD
I tend to upload my videos as and when i feel like it/have them. I don't feel that trying to stick to a routine is in my nature so i don't force it XD but even one video a day is pretty tough to do, unless you have all the free time in the world XD

Well my weekends are pretty free so might just record and edit during that period but only do one a day.
I'd keep it to one a day. For starters, you don't want to spam your fans. Also, if you do one a day, then this pretty much gives you 24 hours to perfect each video, rather than an average of 12 hours (if you did two)

Technically, doing 1 video a day should be 100% better for you.
Agreed. This is probably the best way to do it: for you and the viewers.
I tend to upload my videos as and when i feel like it/have them. I don't feel that trying to stick to a routine is in my nature so i don't force it XD but even one video a day is pretty tough to do, unless you have all the free time in the world XD
Lol this is also my situtation XD
So I'm planning on doing a webseries called Game Kaizer which would be me playing games and after I beat the game I would do a review like Jontron for example of it. So it would be a LP channel with a review for each game afterwards. Now I made a new channel for this since I plan to do uploads every day and keeping my other channel for vlogs and skits. My question is how should I do this? 1 episode per day or twice a day?

One Episode a day. Give the video time to get situated and everyone seeing it. If you do two or more a day it starts to get lost in the crowd unless you make a playlist. Also, just my opinion, do the review FIRST and then the Let's Play 2nd. The review can basically be your intro to that LP series making people get ready to see it. It also covers the crowd of review junkies who just like reviews. Like in the review do all your stuff you are going to say and then announce you are going to d a let's play of it next. Keep the uploads diverse though like Day 1 - Review, Day 2 - LP part 1, Day 3 - LP part 2, Day 4- something else, Day 5 - let's play part 3... ect. That way it gives the parts enough time to be there long enough that you get the maximum push for each episode.