Question about graphics from Windows systems


I Love YTtalk
Hello there :U
Does anyone know if you're allowed to use graphics from Windows XP/Windows 95?

I'm not talking about tutorial videos where I'm recording my screen but actual motion graphics that contain pop-up windows and sounds from Windows systems etc, and I also had this other video idea that involved the desktop from Windows 95.
(Blame vaporwave music lol)

I already looked through Microsoft's copyright page on their website about using thumbnails from Windows in advertising and games but I couldn't find information about using graphics from Windows in your videos commercially.
(I'm a Fullscreen Partner and I don't have an option to disable monetization on my videos)
Go to YouTube Help and check the section on using software captures in videos. Remember copyright on anything lasts a minimum of 75 years after first registration; so even though Win'95 and XP are no longer supported operating systems, the software copyrights are still valid and will remain so for nearly the next century, unless MS relinquishes them and releases those to the Public Domain.