Q&A questions?


Well-Known Member
if you are a small youtube like myself, you know the frustrations of gathering questions for a Q&A, almost at 1K, I had decided to try to do a a Q&A, but only have received like 4 questions.... I used twitter, instagram, and this streaming app called Bigo. anything else I can do?
I personal would put a thing at the beginning or end of a video talking about the Q and A, like when it will take place etc. As a side tip you can change your YouTube hyperlink so it isn't a random jumble of letters.
You could always ask on these boards I know some people have done that in the past and been quite successful :)
Q&As are tricky, you have to have a large, loyal audience that are extremely interested in you as a person. To do it successfully, I would recommend doing something like taking questions from other YouTubers here on YTtalk, and perhaps put their name in the question. "Studz McGee asks: How do I wink?" That sort of thing, then people will want their name featured and you get your questions, and your audience learns more about you. It's a win all around it seems.

That'd be my advice