Q&A Funny stuffz.

not panda pants

Now you blink, breath, swallow manually
I already have
What's a joke that's so stupid that it makes you laugh?
You just found out you are immortal, what do?
What are some of your favorite insults?
You have 3 words to describe 3 celebrities, don't mention their name and let us guess.

No "why did you join youtube" and casual stuff :p

If you'd like i can tag you :3
Do your best impression of a dinosaur
You can go invisible what is the first thing you do?
Name one of your guilty pleasures
Would you rather be bald all over or extremely hairy?
Act out your favorite emoji
What's one thing you shouldn't own that you do?
Best your mama joke
Try do a German accent
What noise does an ostrich make?
Would you rather have no nose or lips?

I don't know.... :D

And I'd love a tag :)
One thing y0u could not live without? (No cheesy kaka i.e. my family, friends, love etc...)
What world do you say a lot in everyday conversation such as; like, awesome, alright...