Q & A for the heck of it


Hakuna your tatas.
Hey guys!
So I kinda have been pretty slow on making videos and I wanted to do something more or less simple and fun, to make up for it I guess. Since I hit a 30 subs (much milestone wow) I wanted to do a funny Q&A (something similar to 'Ask Swifty'). Just ask weird, funny or simple questions and I'll see what I'll make of it :D

P.S. - Throw me an idea for what to draw for my endscreen bit. I want to start a thing where I take an interesting idea for a drawing from people and put it on my endscreen, but I didn't receive one last time. So suggest me anything (in the boundries of YouTube's policies, duh) and I may feature it in my video, with the name of the person suggesting it :)
If you had a one way ticket to Mars, what 3 things (and only 3 things) would you take with you?
If you were the host of your very own gameshow, and your first 3 contestants were Hitler, Nikki Minaj and the stay puffed marshmallow man. What would your contestants have to do to win the ultimate prize at the end?......which is a dead hamster. And who has the best chance of winning?

Also do an image of freddy fazbear wearing black shades and a leather jacket fighting the liquid metal T-1000 terminator who is dressed as a security guard. Terminator 2 style