Q&A, birthday addition


Fiery Kat Lord/ Movtiational Speaker
I know this is last minute because I want to do this tomorrow, and its about a week late, but what can you do when you work 50+ hours a week for 5 days?... Anyways,

I need my favorite community, to help aid me in a vlog Q&A by helping me come up with some questions.... I'm open to anything to answer as long as its nothing to stupid... I will be crediting anyone's questions that I use.

Will anyone be willing to aid their favorite fiery kat lord?!
why fiery kat lord? (name)

That is one good question, how and why did I get the name Fiery Kat Lord, I'll be sure to add that to my Q&A sheet XD[DOUBLEPOST=1377407377,1377403680][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok so here is what I came up with for a vlog tomorrow so far...let me know what you guys think and any suggestions:

1: How did I settle on the name Fiery Kat Lord / Balsama?
(Requested Question by MTMipower)

2: When exactly was my Birthday?

3: Why Did I start a Youtube Channel?

4: Why is my Youtube Channel dated so old?

5: Why did I pick Vlogs and Gaming?

6: Who is my Youtube Inspiration / Hero?

7: What is one of my Favorite hobbies besides Gaming and Youtubing?

8: If I could change one thing about myself, what would it be?