Gaming PSN IDs (Not for collab at this stage)


I Love YTtalk
I'm just looking for people to randomly add to my PSN list since it's fairly low in active people and people in general. lol

If you don't feel like posting your IDs here you can message them to me.

I'm not looking to do collaborations or even play sessions at this stage, it's just to have a list of active people there in case I do play certain games that might require an extra and vice versa.

Also it seems ACIV relies a little on the social side of things with the fleet thing and not to mention GTA V is going to be adding heists in the future and the match making system is freaking terrible for inviting randoms.

You can if you like leave your Steam or message me Steam addys as well, but make sure you let me know your channel so I can associate that channel as the nickname.
ShiftHappensBro for both PSN and Steam, I believe if you wanna add me. I don't play much but sometimes I get on GTAV just to have some fun.
That's fine, like I said I'm not looking to collab or do any gaming sessions at this stage, just building my list up lol I'll add as soon as I can.
Add me, my ID is Rubyray24. I have GTA V, so I would love to help out. I also have a mic.

Also I subbed, your channel looks pretty cool :)