Promoting YT Channel Using Instagram


YTtalk Mad
So, I'm getting my Instagram page active again after a couple years hiatus - finally. While I do enjoy photography, my primary purpose is to try to direct traffic towards my Youtube channel. And while I doubt there's much people can add to the advice that's already given on various websites, I'm curious on what people's experiences have been.

Does Instagram frown upon posts that have Youtube in the hashtags, suggest people go check out a video on Youtube, or make any mention of other websites? If I tell people to check out my latest video on Youtube, will the Instagram algorithm bury my post?

I sure haven't gotten much notice since beginning to post again on Instagram. With just a few posts years ago, I used to get 30-40 likes for each. Not so with new posts this week. I hope I haven't been relegated to some spam doghouse by Instagram. On my first post this week, Instagram had cropped my picture, so I had to delete it and repost it. After the fact, I heard Instagram doesn't like that. I've also been giving likes to 10-25 posts of other people each day. Is that too much? Am I being marked as being spammy? And if so, can I get out of that as time passes?

Thanks in advance for any advice!
I upload full video to YouTube & a short teaser/trailer on Instagram/Twitter etc... Some ppl like to to be active on IG so if you post something to IG then they will see what you are up to & if that specific topic/video is very interesting to them then they will check the full version.
Nowadays, TikTok is where the action is. I created a TtK account a few months ago, and it now has 76 followers and 1550 likes. My Intagram/Twitter/FB accounts are all 3 years old, and no account has more than 50 followers. And I am certain I gained more YT subscribers from my brief time on Ttk than from 3 years of IG/TW/FB combined.

TikTok has and is still exploding in popularity, and I would dare say not that many people who have a Ttk and IG accounts don't spend much time on IG anymore. My IG usage has dropped by about 95%. It's all Ttk now.
Don't forget that IG is owned by facebook. and that youtube's algorithm was modeled in part after facebook's algorithm.
All that to say, the longer you go without posting, the lower your channel is ranked and the less people will see it when you first come back just like you probably already know from youtube land.
I upload full video to YouTube & a short teaser/trailer on Instagram/Twitter etc... Some ppl like to to be active on IG so if you post something to IG then they will see what you are up to & if that specific topic/video is very interesting to them then they will check the full version.
Thank you for the reply. I'll be starting something similar.

Do you find that IG posts that mention Youtube get less notice than those that don't mention Youtube?
I would upload a short part of my video on Instagram and then add the link in my bio. If the clip is interesting, people will want to look at the full video.