Promoting Something in my Youtube Channel


I've Got It
Hello Guys

One of Fashion App creator contact me to Promote his App to my YT Channel through Feature video or Mention in my Youtube Channel

and also Ask me what i charge ... So would tell me it that okay Promote something

Plz Reply
this called sponsorship, i would suggest you check out their channel before you accept their offer, what is their company doing, background, portfolio etc..

you dont really want your subscribers to get into scamming or something.
It's called a paid sponsorship. They pay you for mentioning or reviewing their product in your videos and you get money in return. Try offering them a price that is reasonable, and you will get the sponsorship! :)
So would tell me it that okay Promote something
It's fine, but remember that you have to check off the 'this video contains a paid product placement' in the video settings and that this paid product placement might cause a conflict of interests and the video might possibly not be eligible for monetization.

Read this too:

As far as price? I really have no idea, I'll be honest. Good luck![DOUBLEPOST=1431797951,1431797417][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thanx Guys thats very helpful but I don't known How much offering them a Price that is reasonable

Tim Schmoyer has a video on how much to charge for video sponsorship. It might help -

Their ad will be featured in your's more valuable than an adwords preroll or overlay ad. It will be seen every single time the video is viewed at that part (you didn't mention where in the video they want the placement. That would have a big effect on price. A short placement at the beginning "this video is sponsored by xyz" would command a higher price then in the middle. So keep that in mind when you offer a price. The worst they can do is say no to a high offer so don't be afraid to ask for a fair amount. What is a fair amount? Maybe that video I linked will help there.
Guys would any one tell me If i accept this offer And mention them on my video ....Is they effect my youtube channel policy i have 70,000 subs

Or they against YT policy

See that article h tt p://