Problems earning money again after quitting with Divimove


New Member

I have a problem with finding the right settings again to earn money with my AdSense account. Not so long ago I quit with the partnerprogram with Divimove. They said I have to link my AdSense again to my YouTube channel. They gave me a link with some information about this and I've followed the steps written in this link but nothing works. I read some forums to find a solution but couldn't find anything what could solve my problem.

I tried to renew my connection with AdSense or change the association but nothing of these things helped.
All I can see is: "Congratulations! You can now start earning..."
Even after waiting a few weeks nothing has changed. My earnings since quitting with Divimove are still 0,00€.

I hope someone can help me so I can start earning money again just as before.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Already contact Divimove support? try contact with proof transaction and earning :)

Yes I tried to contact them more than once already. They read my message and thats all. No more response...

They probably think like he quit, that's not our job anymore..

Yes I tried to contact them more than once already. They read my message and thats all. No more response...

They probably think like he quit, that's not our job anymore..
How about their contract agreement of payment and leaving network.