Probably ending the FMV Hell Series


I decided to make the FMV hell series because of my favorite Youtuber named Noah Antwiler (aka Spoony) who did it years ago. Honestly... I don't enjoy making those episodes that much. It's a lot of work for 1 episode, I dont feel passionate about most of the games, and I feel like I'm just doing it just to do it. I don't know what else to do though since i've always wanted to revive that series. Maybe a Let's Play or do only Newer Games. Or something.
Don't force yourself if you don't enjoy it tbh.
Good to see someone else who likes Spoony! <3 him

Yeah i've always been a big fan of Spoony but at the same point I don't feel that these games I didn't grow up with and honestly don't enjoy for the most part are going to get people to care about all the work I put into them. My most watched video was basically a rant video with Final Fantasy 7 stock footage called "Final Fantasy 7 Remake for PS4, Xbox One, PC?" basically explaining what Square has to do to make that happen. That video was easy to make, very easy vs FMV hell which is a nightmarish pain because I try to make them so complex. It's not that I don't enjoy the FMV hell series I make it's just I have no filler to go in between the big stuff.