Pranks Ideas


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. So as some of you may already know, I'm starting to make something different on my channel. I want to start making pranks, challenges, vloggs, etc etc.
I also know that some of you consider the pranks as something stupid and something that should end on youtube. On the other hand I think it's something funny, at least I spend a lot of time watching youtubers like Vitaly, Roman Atwood, Mediocrefilms, Jack Vale, and many other pranksters.
The thing is, I need some ideas for pranks. There are a lot of classic pranks to do, but I also would like to hear some new ideas that doesn't exist yet.
Do you guys have any kind of prank that you would like to see?

Please remember, that I'm not going to humiliate anyone, or do pranks that may generate some kind of agressive behaviour of the guys I'm pranking. I just want to make funny stuff and make people laugh, while watching my videos and while being pranked. So that's what I'm asking. If someone could give me funny ideas do prank people in the future videos.

Also if you guys have some ideas for vlogg's or challenges that are interesting to do, please leave them in the comments.

Thank you so much for your attention.

p.s.- I know that are already posts of people asking basically the same, but I only saw suggestions for challenges.
Hello everyone. So as some of you may already know, I'm starting to make something different on my channel. I want to start making pranks, challenges, vloggs, etc etc.
I also know that some of you consider the pranks as something stupid and something that should end on youtube. On the other hand I think it's something funny, at least I spend a lot of time watching youtubers like Vitaly, Roman Atwood, Mediocrefilms, Jack Vale, and many other pranksters.
The thing is, I need some ideas for pranks. There are a lot of classic pranks to do, but I also would like to hear some new ideas that doesn't exist yet.
Do you guys have any kind of prank that you would like to see?

Please remember, that I'm not going to humiliate anyone, or do pranks that may generate some kind of agressive behaviour of the guys I'm pranking. I just want to make funny stuff and make people laugh, while watching my videos and while being pranked. So that's what I'm asking. If someone could give me funny ideas do prank people in the future videos.

Also if you guys have some ideas for vlogg's or challenges that are interesting to do, please leave them in the comments.

Thank you so much for your attention.

p.s.- I know that are already posts of people asking basically the same, but I only saw suggestions for challenges.
Go up to a bunch of cashiers and act totally normal and then suddenly spaz out at them for a couple seconds and then snap back to reality. Something like the loudest scream you can possibly do mixed with flailing arms or jerky movements. When you snap back pretend it didn't happen. I'm sure everyone in line and the cashier will be a bit freaked out.

Or hit on women and do the same thing in the middle of spittin' that game! Just be like "Is there any more room for me in those jeans?" And when they look at you weird just go "no I'm sorry I'm sorry, I may have come off a bit rude.. What I meant to ask you was" then spaz the f**k out for a couple seconds and then suddenly snap back and say "so what do you think, yes or no?"
Go into an elevator packed with people, once the doors close just say

'I have gathered you all here today, to spread the word of God.'

AHAHAHAHAH thats a good one, I will totally put it on the "to do list"[DOUBLEPOST=1408233803,1408233770][/DOUBLEPOST]
Go up to a bunch of cashiers and act totally normal and then suddenly spaz out at them for a couple seconds and then snap back to reality. Something like the loudest scream you can possibly do mixed with flailing arms or jerky movements. When you snap back pretend it didn't happen. I'm sure everyone in line and the cashier will be a bit freaked out.

Or hit on women and do the same thing in the middle of spittin' that game! Just be like "Is there any more room for me in those jeans?" And when they look at you weird just go "no I'm sorry I'm sorry, I may have come off a bit rude.. What I meant to ask you was" then spaz the f**k out for a couple seconds and then suddenly snap back and say "so what do you think, yes or no?"

To be honest, that would be really nice, but I think I would laugh my a** of while doing that!
AHAHAHAHAH thats a good one, I will totally put it on the "to do list"[DOUBLEPOST=1408233803,1408233770][/DOUBLEPOST]

To be honest, that would be really nice, but I think I would laugh my a** of while doing that!
Gotta hold your composure bro! People say the funniest thing about me most of the time is how serious I can be when saying something ridiculous or when I'm bullshitting people. It's tough to do sometimes, but it makes it funnier if you can stay serious.
Gotta hold your composure bro! People say the funniest thing about me most of the time is how serious I can be when saying something ridiculous or when I'm bullshitting people. It's tough to do sometimes, but it makes it funnier if you can stay serious.

Yes man, I agree with that, but to start, I need to go with easier stuff.
The thing is, I had some ideas to do on pranks, but today I was searching videos and I saw similar pranks.. which makes me mad
Yes man, I agree with that, but to start, I need to go with easier stuff.
The thing is, I had some ideas to do on pranks, but today I was searching videos and I saw similar pranks.. which makes me mad
You can do my Burger King thing... I can guarantee nobody has done it yet. The closest thing I've seen is someone doing something way less awesome in the privacy of their home. It doesn't have to be burger king, it can be anywhere that serves food. Let me know if you're interested...
You can do my Burger King thing... I can guarantee nobody has done it yet. The closest thing I've seen is someone doing something way less awesome in the privacy of their home. It doesn't have to be burger king, it can be anywhere that serves food. Let me know if you're interested...

I dont even know what you are talking about bro. link me
Try this:

Go to Burger King and buy a Whopper, then when it is ready, unwrap it at the counter and start rubbing the whopper all over your face and hair while singing Itsy Bitsy Spider. When the song is done, run a lap around the restaurant singing your ABCs in a high pitched voice, then dart out of the door and run away. You would obviously need someone to be filming for you. I'll sub if you do that...

The one below was just a suggestion from the past\/
Here's another one that I think would be funny. Go to Walmart or any other supermarket. Buy something really cheap like a pack of gum or something. When they tell you the amount, just start screaming at them. Scream at them every time they say something and do this until security kicks you out. I'm sure it will blow the employee's mind and anyone else who's around, lol
Try this:

Go to Burger King and buy a Whopper, then when it is ready, unwrap it at the counter and start rubbing the whopper all over your face and hair while singing Itsy Bitsy Spider. When the song is done, run a lap around the restaurant singing your ABCs in a high pitched voice, then dart out of the door and run away. You would obviously need someone to be filming for you. I'll sub if you do that...

The one below was just a suggestion from the past\/
Here's another one that I think would be funny. Go to Walmart or any other supermarket. Buy something really cheap like a pack of gum or something. When they tell you the amount, just start screaming at them. Scream at them every time they say something and do this until security kicks you out. I'm sure it will blow the employee's mind and anyone else who's around, lol

Not easy at all :P[DOUBLEPOST=1408470058,1408470014][/DOUBLEPOST]I have to get drunk first ahah