Possible or Not?

I have question.

About music. In my channel I do post my own music, sometimes just video covers, sometimes some random stuff. Should I go and do one thing, or do everything. Im not sure if people like to subscribe to random channels.

I will try to make it all about my music, but also upload something else, and we will see what will happen.
sorry for my english - still learning.
As long as you like what you are doing, why not continue with what you are doing?
There are always people who will like one over another.

As long as you enjoy what you are doing, no one should be able to shove you in the dirt.
My advice would be to pick a certain niche and make content based on that because - as you mentioned - it will result in a channel that looks more organized/professional and that's what most people prefer. It's just my opinion though. :)
When a channel throws in a lot of random stuff its very hard to like, one week they out out gaming not so good next a vlog and I like it then a music and I hate it then gaming and its alright

Give yourself a base and create videos based around that base, if its music, create music related vlogs, music related games, music in general if you make your own. Dont just dump random stuff in the one channel as it will attract some but put others off like "The hell is this? I Subscribed to him for his music not this junk" and etc.
so far 3 different opinions :D
its going to be music channel then, because music is mu second passion, after videos...maybe just one week music video next week vlog. go hard on music videos, but not that hard on vlogs. And also I need to like my own channel :D
I think you should just do a certain type of video on your channel. If you want to make different types of videos, I recommend making a separate channel. This will give all your subscribers a specific place to find a certain type of videos and will also also prevent your channel from becoming cluttered with a lot of different videos.
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Just moving this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas & Planning section of the forum for you. I also do a number of things, with a number of different styles of music. But what I have noticed, is that the bigger Youtubers stick to one thing. Look at JennaMarbles for example.....almost all of her videos are the same. The downside though, is that after a while, it becomes a little samey doesn't it? So I think the best advice is to do what you love doing :) People with gravitate towards that...if they love what you do.