Gaming PORT - Team Needed.


Network Owner
Feb 4, 2013
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Currently I am looking for people to join me in creating a game I like to call PORT.

The objective of the game is to make your way using the portals provided through a puzzle of islands. The game will start simple with a basic 2 way portal either leading to dead end island or the finish line. Advancing through the game levels will break up into sections creating it more difficult for users. Multiplayer will allow you to play with friends working together in multiplayer made maps and helping each other out with levels.

  • I am looking for coders with knowledge in the Javascript and C language.
  • I need people with good modeling skills
  • And a need a team manager
If you qualify for any of these positions add me on skype: imdekingg

If you have any ideas to help us in the build please reply below.