Pokemon Based Adventure - Stick to known story or branch off on our own?

Hey guys, we have recently recorded a few episodes for our Pixelmon based adventure through Kanto, following the original game/tv series as a base of story. However, we were wondering what people thought about branching off, introducing our own plot divides, building our own extra areas etc. We have the base Kanto map so far and of course will eventually be collecting 8 badges etc but do you guys think it is best to stick to this known story route for safety / nostalgic purposes or to branch off and to find our own little story (we already have some storyboarded ideas, not quite ready to spoil them yet). Just wondering what the community think as it's not something we can really try and scrap if it doesn't work as it will take a couple weeks worth of content to develop the story which by then will be too late to go back on.

Thanks for any feedback :)
If you have something planned then I would say do your own thing, people like originality so doing something different is good and helps you stand out from the rest of the competition
Awesome yeah I think we will go with our own little twist to get some uniqueness which is a great point, just need to find that balance between the actual pokemon journey and what we have planned, as all three of us have quite... mental imaginations (the storyboards are a bit nuts :P) so yeah hopefully can find that balance