Plot Help for Script!


New Member
Hi! I'm currently working on my first script for a series.
The genera is a sort of action-comedy.

Short about the series-

This is about two guys, living just a normal life just as teenagers do now'a days.
But both of them has a clone of themselves, but the problem is that their clone is the pure opposite side of these guys. This is in fact the problem.
They have to deal with their own so called "clone brother".

In the first episodes we will get to know the characters, like a introduction so we can get to know them, since the two (or 4, you get it) will meet when the time comes.

I need some plot help. If you guys could fire me some ideas for the story, I would be really grateful! :)
Write whatever you want.

Ex: Create a small story.
Plot Twists. etc...
Questions? Just ask :)

Thank you!
You find out the clones are actually female.

The two of them fall in love with each other's clones.

They find out the clones are not really clones, but are in fact themselves from a parallel universe, and by coming into contact the universe itself will collapse.

You find out the narrator of the story was really a crazy old cat lady living in a mental asylum telling the story to one of the inmates who has a cat tattoo.

Then they all lived happily ever after. The End!
The clones start fighting over the same love interest. One of the clones gets in trouble with the law, and the non-clone version gets blamed.