please review this rendition of my "True Colors" music video


Active Member
Hi guys,

you would actually be helping TWO youtube accounts with this review. First, the song is sung by Diane De Mesa. Her youtube account is linked to the video. I think she has an amazing voice which is why i used her rendition of Cyndi Lauper's song "True Colors." The video itself is footage taken from a film I produced, directed and starred in called "Solomon's Requiem." It's a horror comedy film I shot between 2002-2004. I will be uploading that film later this year as I wanted to upload other movies before it first since I am uploading my stuff chronologically. I wanted feedback on how I used the footage in relation to the song and its lyrics.

Overall, I can't really think of any criticisms. The song is beautiful, and I think that you told a beautiful story with the video. The only thing I'd say is that sometimes the acting is a bit corny, like at 1:30 where the man bashes his head against a wall and passes out. It doesn't look real at all. Also around 2:20, when the two people are pointing the gun, it looks a little too cliched, and seems really fake, as though it's obviously staged. Just little moments like that disturb the emotional setting in my opinion. Overall, I think it was a very nice video. :) Beyond that
Overall, I can't really think of any criticisms. The song is beautiful, and I think that you told a beautiful story with the video. The only thing I'd say is that sometimes the acting is a bit corny, like at 1:30 where the man bashes his head against a wall and passes out. It doesn't look real at all. Also around 2:20, when the two people are pointing the gun, it looks a little too cliched, and seems really fake, as though it's obviously staged. Just little moments like that disturb the emotional setting in my opinion. Overall, I think it was a very nice video. :) Beyond that

thank you. I definitely agree with your criticisms. It was my first full length 16mm feature, and unfortunately the hit on the wall you described was not caught until i saw the final reel, and unfortunately I did not have the time or budget to redo it. It was a big learning experience with some highlights and some regrettable low lights, but overall I had no regrets over it.