Noah Ward (mnstr4lfe)
I've Got It
I want to do a giveaway but I'm not exactly sure what to do for the giveaway
I have 320 subs and about 75,000 views, I want to do a giveaway for when I hit 100,000 views or like 400/500 subs. I'm not sure what would be a better idea and a good number at which to giveaway the prize.
I want to do like a 1$ amazon gift card for maybe when I hit 350 views and have that be a small prize then like a 5$ or 10$ gift card for the rest but I am not exactly sure what to do. I would be very appreciative to the feed back on what to do and other thoughts
I have 320 subs and about 75,000 views, I want to do a giveaway for when I hit 100,000 views or like 400/500 subs. I'm not sure what would be a better idea and a good number at which to giveaway the prize.
I want to do like a 1$ amazon gift card for maybe when I hit 350 views and have that be a small prize then like a 5$ or 10$ gift card for the rest but I am not exactly sure what to do. I would be very appreciative to the feed back on what to do and other thoughts