Planning Vlogs?

As a vlogger I'm just interested to know, how much to you guys plan our videos and how much is natural just happening as you think of it?

I usually just think of something that annoyed me that week, and then write down some bullet points to make sure I don't forget to mention anything!!! Other than that I just stand in front of the camera and let all my anger out haha
Generally I go in with the idea of a time limit. I figure, I can riff on any topic that strikes my fancy at the moment for approx 2 mins if I go in unplanned.

Sometimes I just jot down a topic in my notebook and come back to it days or weeks later.

Sometime i feel i have to jot down bullet points or sometimes I can just riff off the topic. I like to try to keep things organic.

The videos that i wrote down specifics for are generally not my favorites. The ones where i have a vague idea and then just riff, i am usually much happier about.

If you happen to take a look at any of my stuff, let me know if you can tell the difference and if you have a preference.

It seems like to do a little bit of preplanned talking points but going off script as well. Is that your process?
Yeah, I don't really plan much at all but I'm wondering if I should more because I'm worried that it shows in my videos
For vlogs, pretty much just think about it in the 5 minutes it takes for me to set up my camera and lights. Vlogs aren't really that hard to plan.
I'm not a vlogger, but I always try to write down something before shooting. I make a research about the trend of the month and I try to make an original video about it :-)