Planning futures episodes


Hi there :)

I wondered something while I was writing the script of my first video...
I'll make educational video about one subject at a time but, what if someday i can't find a subject anymore ?
So i made a list and as far as i can think right now I have around 15 possible video. If, as I think, subjects are too broad, I can shorten my video and make nearly 30.

Have you ever faced this problem ? Can we ask the fans what they want for the next video?

Maybe i'm too much concerned about this...
I usually create a calendar to show what is being uploaded on which days. I recommend creating one and then seeing how long until you reach the final episode. Your goal will then be to think of new subject(s) before that final episode is released. And if you can't think of any more subjects, then stopping the series there won't cause much of a problem, just create a new series and move on.
Absolutely ask your viewers what they would like to see and what you should do. While in some media that would seem like you're not being original by getting suggestions, in YT that's just community engagement. And, hey, it also means that at least somebody will be guaranteed to be super interested in your topics!
I always get new ideas for videos whilst making videos! My best advice is concentrate on what you've got at the moment and then if more pop, just add to the list! Obviously Fans getting involved would be an awesome idea! maybe even give them the choice of 2 videos for you to release on your next schedule?