Physical magazines


How many walruses have you stroked today?
So I have a gaming channel, and in a frenzy of looking for new ideas I bought some physical retro gaming magazines.

They are a goldmine.

I came away with a months worth of ideas after a quick skim through. What unexpected inspiration have you come across in your daily travels?
So I have a gaming channel, and in a frenzy of looking for new ideas I bought some physical retro gaming magazines.

They are a goldmine.

I came away with a months worth of ideas after a quick skim through. What unexpected inspiration have you come across in your daily travels?
Wow I need to get my hands on a couple editions, which ones did you buy!?
I can't say I've come across much inspiration apart from what comes out of my weird cranium when I day dream about weird f*****g stuff O.o
I haven't really gotten to the point YET, as my channel is young, that I've run out of initial ideas :)