Goal is to get more interaction on my videos :U
whenver i try to add text the whole canvas goes red..
and everything ends up freezing if can please help thank you very muchwhenver i try to add text the whole canvas goes red..
cs2 i know it is very very very old like ancient! lolWhat is your photoshop version? ^^
Lol no problem i use CS3 XP But since you are using CS2 i dont know if i can help you, and it will be hard finding a solution since dont use the same version and that as never happened to me U_Ucs2 i know it is very very very old like ancient! lol
never mind i have found the solution thank you for the consideration though!I have used literally all versions of Photoshop. I am on CS6 right now. I might be able to help. What computer are you running it on?
nevermind, i have found the solution thank you for the consideration though!Go and remove some of your fonts (uninstall) or just move them to another folder, Windows can only process 1000 fonts
so remove to at least 1000 fonts.
No problemnevermind, i have found the solution thank you for the consideration though!