People making shorts from your material - would you be happy?


Super Poster
Apparently YT has set it up so every video you upload you specifically need to untick 'allow anyone to use my material' (or words to that effect).

The practical upshot of this is that f you don't do this for every video (including existing ones) then any person could download your videos, cut them up to make YT #shorts and make money from them. Oh and neither they nor YT would pay you anything at all.

Super dodgy I reckon.

I found out about this from Alan Spicer's video:

it would be nice if there were rules for original creator of content to get some kind of commissions

how would you get commission when, as far as I understand, YouTube Shorts don't generate any ad revenue?

I think 'allow anyone to use my material' (or words to that effect) ' should be unticked by default, so people have to opt-in.

I don't disagree with you, but that would be terrible for YouTube. 99% of people never change their settings so if you want people to use a feature you always have it on by default. In the eyes of the company you should be reading all the terms of services to see when a change happens since we all click Accept when we made our accounts and promised we would read it all the time.

Apparently YT has set it up so every video you upload you specifically need to untick 'allow anyone to use my material' (or words to that effect).
I bet you can change this in your channel default. For example my channel defaults as not for kids because I got tired of checking that for every upload.

What really bothers me is this line that says "Not all videos can opt out" (see image below). Ummm, who makes that choice???
They talked about this on the Creator Insider channel the other day. They are talking like it is just for audio sampling, not video sampling. They said that they are working for a bulk opt-out option. Also they said that any sampled work will provide attribution and a link to the full vid. Shorts cannot opt-out of audio sampling.
