Gaming Pc Gaming Collab?


Well-Known Member
Hey, so I'm looking for people to play some pc games with me. The only requirements I have are:
  • Good Mic
  • at least 13 years old
  • Willing to have fun and not be too serious
The games I am looking to play are:
  • Garry's Mod (Prop Hunt, TTT, Murder, etc.)
  • Minecraft (Custom maps and mini-games)
  • DayZ
If interested, reply with your skype and I will add you. I can start playing on Friday (2/21/14).

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hmm seams interesting i only have minecraft tho and its not a premium account i havea good mic as i make let's plays myself and i am 13 but i got a weird bulgarian accent
skype : dok18731873
Sounds cool, I'm 14 my skype is redcop54 (once searched it would be "▲AticZ▼RedCop▲")
*edit* I have all 3 games