Request Partner Background Request :)


YTTalk Shape Shifter
Hi there, so I'm looking for someone who can make me a pro looking background, i'm allowing a link in the banner to lead to your channel as a thank you, maybe also a shout out if it is really great :)

Here's the detail's

i'd like the background to be a bright and comedic theme, we do really odd sketches so a good colored shiny title that stands out in front of the rest of the background.

Colours would be mostly bright ones such as yellow, blue, green, others like black and dark blue would be making a contrast with something. I'm not caring too much about the layout, let creativity shine in :p

the logos i'd like (any style that matches) twitter, RPM, skype and instagram, also if you have a logo you can place it in or text with "designer" so I can link your channel up for the credit.

I have a an optional picture that could go in the background, i'd send it through email.

That's really it! Hope one of you epic GFX designers can help me out! :D
i can make back grounds :) i do photography and graphics so i have gotten quite good with the old photoshop :)