Over-recording? What Should I Do?


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I have another 7 episodes of Paper Mario recorded, and I want to record more. Though I'm not sure how I would work a schedule into that. I posted 4 episodes last week to catch up. But that just sounds like too much. 2 may be good for this. But I want to hear your thoughts on over-recording.

I've had problems with recording an episode a week in the past, so doing this seems to help with problems there. So I can't have an excuse to not post an episode.

However, I feel I should have too much recorded at once. And I also want to catch up on that. So while I wait, How many episodes should I post a week to catch up to what is already recorded?
I always record in big chunks too, but mostly because work stops me during the weekdays. I think maybe you could keep some in stock so you have plenty to put up should you run out of other things (if you have others). 2 a week sounds okay What is your usual upload amount?
The scheduled uploader feature. Instead of public private or unlisted set it to upload when ever you want to! 2 or 3 a week is good (at least in my opinion)
I would say upload three a week. If I was you I wouldn't stock up too much, because a viewer might ask you something that you may not have any control over until the videos actually catch up to where you are. Also that's cool that im not the only one doing a paper mario let's play; which one are you doing?
You have a few options, luckily. You could backlog your videos, have plenty of space to render and record other things, so on so forth, but a viewer may comment something that you won't be able to change in your gameplay... Record daily or every so many days to keep a schedule and kind of reward yourself by waiting... or have two separate files that you can play! Although it may get you not as keen on recording it.
I've been having the same problem with a Pokemon series I'm doing- I want to play it sooo much, but its easy to get backlogged to the extreme with it. :c Hope you find something that works!
to be honest man i record for about a weeks worth of videos the split them and then skedual them and the ones that are really important i make then that same day
It is nice to have videos ready to upload. On the other hand, you should consider the amount of time that you are investing in making the videos compared to the number of views that they are getting. If it's worth your time, then do them. If you're having fun, then do them.
I don't think you should limit yourself to uploading videos. If you enjoy making videos for others to see, put as many up as you like, but watch you don't get bored of it, because you worked so hard on your videos!! :)
It really depends on how much you're used to uploading in a week. Like for me, I used to upload a video a day, but I got somewhat busy, so now I stick to 4 a week, every other day and on both Saturday and Sunday. If one usually posts one a week, then jumping to four or five a week might surprise your subscribers and they could become uninterested. So, if you usually post, say, two or three a week, try bumping it up one. This will help you get rid of some of that old footage, whilst still keeping your viewers intrigued. :) Hope this helps.
It is nice to have videos ready to upload. On the other hand, you should consider the amount of time that you are investing in making the videos compared to the number of views that they are getting. If it's worth your time, then do them. If you're having fun, then do them.
i do it for the funz lol i talk like i`m in front of a audience lol and explaining how it works so its fun ... (i know i know i don´t have anyone to play with ... SHUT UP *starts crying in a corner* lol jk man) and then i make publicity all i can to every episode