OSX Editing softwares

Kevin Yen

I've Got It
I currently have an Mid-Late 2009 Macbook Pro which is not that new anymore, but I want some suggestions on good editing softwares that wont freeze my computer. It doesnt have to be the current generation like the new adobe premiere that requires higher specs.

it can be like its predecessors or something like that

I recommend Final cut pro x! I use it for all my videos but if you really have to you should use imovie. I know it comes with mac but you can still do tons of stuff with it!
I recommend Final cut pro x! I use it for all my videos but if you really have to you should use imovie. I know it comes with mac but you can still do tons of stuff with it!
Yea the only problem with Final Cut Pro X is the workflow. It is very different from other major editors like Premiere and Vegas, so it is very hard to transition if you ever want to change editors. Other than that it is great. :)
I use Screenflow because I just edit vlogs. It works very well for me. But if you want something fancier (special FX, motion tracking, colour correction etc) buy an Adobe product.