Original gaming content/videos.

The Casual Gamer

King of Olympus.
So I'm pretty stuck for choice here, I'm doing this completely for fun but that doesn't mean that I'm not interested in getting more people to enjoy my videos. At the moments I have a couple of little series' going on. I'm playing the most common game on YT (Yup, Minecraft) The difference is that I'm doing it with a pal and together we're actually fairly entertaining, so it's not that bad.

I'm also revisiting those old classics, you know; the ones that basically made our childhood? I'm doing a mini series on the very first Spyro the Dragon on how to get 120% overall completion of the game. And lastly I've got an entire run through of the first Crash Bandicoot that needs to be uploaded still.

So I'd really love to hear your input on this, and look forward to making heed on those suggestions :)
I'm lost, what's the problem?

Same here. This reads more as a promotion for your channel than a request for scripts or video ideas. If you are looking for game ideas, I'd suggest doing a Google search for "classic games." Other than that, it sounds like you have some ideas in mind already, so good luck. (=