Opening Thoughts In Youtube

Calvin Ho

Active Member
Hey guys... so.. ive been a youtuber for quite short, i started making videos and its kinda fun, i made it and liked it, i sometimes like my video only because i actually watched and liked it, but along the way in youtube, plans, thoughts are running out, so first thing first i only made minecraft videos so i want to try something else, but yet, im still clueless and dont have ideas on what should i do, even as it is, i need to know suggestions for all people, (also to people who just encounter this forum by accident) but anyway, can anyone help or just suggest on what should i do?
There is a ton of things you can do in Minecraft, play adventure maps, normal single player, single player with friends, mods, go on servers. There are thousands of Minecraft servers and each server has its own gamemode basically.

So many possibly things you can do in Minecraft :P.