Simon Arias

Active Member
I had decided to just record a video the night before i left the Dominican Republic because i had been thinking a lot about my youtube channel, and about me. But i had just gotten into the room like 20 minutes before my dad, because we went to a dinner party with friends and he likes to talk. SO I had a little bit of time by myself to pack up but i went straight to my camera and a lamp in the hotel room. I sat down, and just recorded and talked about what I had been thinking about, and all in one take.

That is how this tag came about; I was going to edit it, but when I started I realized I didn't really need to. And by not doing that, the video felt so much more personal and raw. I think it is a perfect way to talk about a problem you currently face, which I address in my video. and also a good way to put out a positive message or thank you to your fans. I just feel like nowadays we forget how sometimes we are all the same, and don't all have this glamorous lifestyle; but we are also so similar we are unique in our own ways.

HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: (Once you know what you are going to talk about of course)
1. Get your camera
2. Sit down
3. Hit record
4. Pour your heart out
5. Then post it

Its really that easy. Just be authentic and be you :)

*edited by staff
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