When you signed up to the YouTube Partner Program, you agreed to "Only post content that I have created myself or for which I hold sufficient rights". Creating a mashup of copyrighted broadcast material, doesn't automatically give you the right to post that creation.
I asked you on another thread relating to network payment whether you could provide evidence of licensing from the network that broadcast the games you did mashups from, permission from the football clubs whose footage you used and publicity rights likeness releases from the depicted players. To date I've not received a reply to that challenge.
And if you cannot answer that challenge with legal evidence of permissions, then you have clearly violated the Partner Program Policies as YouTube has stated; making it very unlikely that you will have monetization restored at all unless you change your content type to a legitimate one.
Tell me, is this GKShowcase only, or did you also get one for Planet Football, which I strongly suspect you did? On that second channel, you admit to posting broadcast DVR recordings, a clear violation of both Copyright Law and YouTube content policies. I think that if you check your Sony Vegas EULA, you will find that you no longer have the right to use that program for video editing; as by using it to edit and post publicly, copyrighted material in which you hold no rights, you have violated Sony's license with you to use that program too.