Oldgitgaming Youtube Channel Looking for Feedback & Collab


Hello All,

I was looking for some feedback and to collab with other youtubers to help benefit us all.

We are a gaming channel with some cool bits and really enjoy making content of loads of different games. We are quiet unique as we have some pretty good content and everything that is recorded reflects us as people ( No acting no attempting to be funny ). We have just released a trailor for a new Parody called Peaceful mode ( Taylor Swift Cover ) which is pretty good for a bunch of old gits.

We are looking to aim at going to one of the Game events and Live Stream from their to show all our viewers but also to take one lucky viewer with us.

We would also like to link up with fellow youtubers and try and help each other grow as we all know that a lot of the bigger channels don't really care now and its us against the world,

All feedback is welcome although if your going to give bad feedback please give some kind of reason not just crap.
