Not Happy Where I Stand


Active Member
I do gaming videos. But..
I just don't enjoy it. I've had 3 channels already, All revolving around gaming. But I just gave up one them.
Still don't know why. I love video games, ALOT, and I enjoy making people laugh but i just am not happy Doing what i do.

Its's so hard to explain.

I wanna do something film wise. Like either animation or real life.
I'm stuck. I need help.
Sorry if this is hard to understand

Also what are some good animation software (Paid & free)
I'm sorry to say this but there isn't really I way I can help you. Although, I can offer you some advice. Do what you want and do what makes you happy. If doing gaming videos doesn't make you happy then do what you think will. I love video games a lot to but I'm not making video game videos because that wasn't what I wanted to do. You say you want to do something film wise. Then go out and do it! Sorry if this came off as aggressive but I promise its not haha :). When it comes to things like this you should do what makes you happy, or at least what you think will make you happy. As for your search for an animation software, I definitely can't help you there :P sorry.
It takes some time to find what you want to do with your channel, try experimenting various things. Flash, Maya (3d animation) 3ds Max are some good programs
Is there any reason why you don't like the videos you're doing? Maybe it's the genre of game?

Just do whatever you want to do on youtube, we can't help you decide.
I have always loved gaming, which is why I would never make a gaming channel. I play games to kick back and relax, no focus on being entertaining and making decent content.
Moved this to the planning forum for you.

I think you should follow your instincts and drop the gaming if you're not enjoying it. Unless you are a good artist IRL, the learning curve on the animation could be quite steep. Why not start doing some real life filming videos? Or stuff with some special effects? Good luck :)
I'm sorry to say this but there isn't really I way I can help you. Although, I can offer you some advice. Do what you want and do what makes you happy. If doing gaming videos doesn't make you happy then do what you think will. I love video games a lot to but I'm not making video game videos because that wasn't what I wanted to do. You say you want to do something film wise. Then go out and do it! Sorry if this came off as aggressive but I promise its not haha :). When it comes to things like this you should do what makes you happy, or at least what you think will make you happy. As for your search for an animation software, I definitely can't help you there :p sorry.
Thanks for the advice dude. Lol and no you didnt come off aggresive.

It takes some time to find what you want to do with your channel, try experimenting various things. Flash, Maya (3d animation) 3ds Max are some good programs
Thanks for the suggestions i'll check them out!
Is there any reason why you don't like the videos you're doing? Maybe it's the genre of game?

Just do whatever you want to do on youtube, we can't help you decide.
I enjoy almost ever genre of game so it's not that XD.
And your right. it's not like youtube says i can only do one thing!

I have always loved gaming, which is why I would never make a gaming channel. I play games to kick back and relax, no focus on being entertaining and making decent content.
Dude. Your exactly right. I think that's why i'm not enjoying it. Honestly,
I just want to play them to kick back and enjoy them. Thanks for the advice
Some good animation programs:

Animation Master


Toon Boom Studio
Thanks dude. i'll check them out.
Moved this to the planning forum for you.

I think you should follow your instincts and drop the gaming if you're not enjoying it. Unless you are a good artist IRL, the learning curve on the animation could be quite steep. Why not start doing some real life filming videos? Or stuff with some special effects? Good luck :)
Thanks for moving it over for me.
Thanks for the tips mate! I did some heavy thinking last night and now that school is starting soon.i, I signed up for some film classes. Just gotta see where it takes me you know.
If you don't enjoy what you are doing, then viewers generally won't find it as appealing. You have to find whatever you enjoy on your own, there isn't much we can do when it comes to that.