No subject for a documentary.


Loving YTtalk
Basically I know I want to make a factual documentary piece, but I am struggling to find a subject, or a focus for it. As you can imagine a documentary that has no subject to talk about is a documentary not worth watching or making. so that puts me in a bit of a predicament.

I was wondering do any of you have any advice as of how to find a subject to base it around or an idea for that subject in itself?

Meany thanks,

Nathaniel Walters
It's going to have to be something you feel strongly about because making a doc is a lot of work and you'll be with this idea for months. So think of a topic or person or location or story that you feel strongly about, that you'll be able to find layers of intrigue and something that captures your imagination for a long time. I don't think I can choose that for you. What are your strongest interests?
Maybe that's your topic then. Cover different people who don't concentrate on one thing. Or a doc on ADD!
Personally I've been thinking of making something of the sorts as well. I live and thrive off of video games, so it's only natural that I pick a genre and stick to it.

The only thing I can really say is to look for inspiration. Find something you're interested in and that you think your audience may be interested in. You make short films apparently. So why not base your documentary on some of your favorite films that otherwise inspire you to make your short films?

Take something that you like and inform people about it, and why you like it. Explain why it's important and what people have learned from it.

Best advice I can give :P
Maybe that's your topic then. Cover different people who don't concentrate on one thing. Or a doc on ADD!
That is something for me to consider, you know out of every idea i have has that didn't turn up, thank you.

Take something that you like and inform people about it, and why you like it. Explain why it's important and what people have learned from it.
I do enjoy going on walks, maybe i could do some research into why people go for a stroll.
A subject is a difficult choice. I did one on my high school band, using footage I captured over the years I was there. Something you are passionate about, or maybe something you've already collected is a good way to start. Also make sure to check out all the Documentary tips from Indymogul. They can be an amazing help!